Noisy Buffercuration

The exhibition series NOISY BUFFER seeks to foster contemporary dialogue among emerging artists by gathering these creative minds around a dinner table. The table becomes a metaphorical space – a NOISY BUFFER – amidst a diversity of perspectives, narratives, and creative visions. Under the overarching theme of DREAMSCAPES, the curation of NOISY BUFFER emphasizes the dynamics that unfold between the artists on show. The common platform of the dinner table creates an interplay of contrasts and synergies – boundaries dissolve, and dialogue takes center stage. The showcase will culminate with a discursive dinner joined by the artists and curators to foster lasting friendships and future collaborations.

Within the first exhibition, nine emerging artists take over the NOISY BUFFER space with a multifaceted group show that transports viewers into the uncertainty of their intertwining dreamscapes. Amidst abstractly embodied relationships with the self, distorted reminiscences, and unreal reproductions of natural or human phenomena, viewers will build their own dreamscapes that unfold from the synergies between the creative minds on show. The NOISY BUFFER table serves as a nexus, blurring boundaries and revealing connections between the processes of artistic creation.

Year: 2023 (ongoing)
Curation: Antonia Maisch & Malena Heldmann
Art Direction: Malena Heldmann
Spatial Design: Antonia Maisch
Participating Artists: Ana Daniela Koch, Ferdinand Molck-Ude, Luis Kießling, Joana Loewis, Lorenz Egle, Marjan Baniasadi, Mu Sung Park, Pia Poi & Tamy Plank